《Bee Belise》网友分享给大马公民请注意!!
所有在EPF有户口的人,无论你几岁,无论你EPF的户口开了多久,无论你 EPF里有多少钱,也无论你只还了几个月的EPF,根据政府规定只要任何一个人的EPF户口还在,他/她去世时EPF就必须给他/她的亲属RM2500的 白金
所以大家马上把这件事通知所有亲戚朋友,不要少拿了白金,该拿的我们必须拿! 大力share出去!!!
ATTENTION:to everyone who has an EPF account!!!
No matter how old are you, no matter how long you have held your EPF account, no matter how much money you have in you EPF account, and matter how long you have paid for your EPF, according to Government Law, EPF will need to pay RM 2500 to an EPF account holder's family when he/she died (family members need to claim the RM 2500 within 2 months).
EPF never inform us about this, I reckon very few people's family did actually receive this RM 2500 when his/her family member died because not many people know about this.
So please bombarded this info to all your families。
大馬人必知 【6种可以从EPF提取存款的理由】不要只以為退休才可以領了!

后GST时代 !2015年马来西亚个人所得税税率(Income Tax)
